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Approaching the new way of thinking:
How do we approach the info about these new energies and data that is being impressed into my thoughts.
It is taking previous info and rewriting it in the next level of understanding delivery it to us in the new way of thinking.
The talk is about the sub-levels of the density of our life, it throws up lots of questions.
Strange dream, evoking questions about sleep and death:
This is a story about a very strange active dream, something I learnt to do when I was practicing tai chi and studying Jung physiology.
There are different types of dreams, and I took this one as a meeting with my husband who was not living on this physical plane anymore.
For a few weeks I had been waking up at the same time with him in my dreams.
It was 5.15 am and Vern telling me I was not going to do what I wanted to do because I wasted it, as I would just fall asleep and not get the best out of the situation!
I was arguing with him, and he was controlling me by holding back the things I wanted.
On waking I was a bit miffed and angry until I realised it was a dream, and I could go back into it and tell him what I thought about his controlling ways.
By understanding how these levels of energy worked a bit, I did just that, expressing how it made me feel and what right did he have to think that he can come and control me while he was not living on this earth anymore.
He had no right to come into my dreams ordering me around and I was not going to stand for it anymore, then I went back to sleep for another three hours feeling quite happy.
On waking the questions about where he was and how was it possible for him to come into my dreams like this, flicked up in my thoughts.
I knew about the different sub-levels of density that were in the 4D and that when we passed out of the physical realm, we went there to sort out our problems, learn and grow.
Density: this is the word to explain the levels of spiritual energy; we reside on the 3rd density … 3D… the word dimension does not describe the energies.
It’s called density because the denseness of layers of the energy changes as it moves up the scale, they are formed by the slow compression of the divine consciousness, and this creates different thicknesses of existence.
At the prime layer, 1D, the energy is very compressed, and it forms rocks and crystals, called inanimate objects, they have some sense of awareness’ at some level.
The 2D is the level of consciousness of plants and animals, that also has the sense of awareness’ the 3D is the consciousness of physical human beings, who have developed self-awareness and intellect.
4D is where the spirits live and is also the astral plain, if you go ghost hunting or traveling on the astral level, you are moving about on the 4D level of reality. This level can embrace a physical body.
When a person dies, they move into the third overtone of the fourth density, to be specific it’s the reception realm of the afterlife called 4.3D.
Back in time when I was learning with Mrs Ty, she called it going to the spiritual hospital where we stayed until we were healed of all our emotional problems or until we found a balance within our self.
In this afterlife we re-created the dreams we held before we died and lived them for as long as it took.
Now it is more descriptive to say there are nine levels of density and this is one of them.
These densities are layers that are part the consciousness of the creator, because we are the embodiment of the creator, we hold them within ourselves, they all exist in the consciousness of us and the infinite being, the God that we hold in our hearts.
As a physical being we live in the 3D, or third density but our minds are not limited to it, just our physical body, we have the capacity to travel up into the higher densities through mediation, sleep and other focused thought patterns.
This is how Vern can come into my dreams, when I am sleep or mediating, we can move our consciousness into these other realms and those in that realm can come into ours.
Most people go into the 4.3D, people who have lived their life hurting others will go into 4.1D and 4.2D where they can either mend their ways or stay the same at this level like goes to like.
If you are a spiritual seeker in the physical life, you can have direct access to 5D where you carry on studying and getting to the higher truths of the universe.
If you have not done this, you can work you way up to the ninth level of 4.3D and you will go into the 5D
Talking about this info makes me think that if all these things are within us as levels of density or energy fields and all our messages are coming from within, we must be Hugh!
This is an enlightening thought for me according to the way I have been thinking about myself and how small I have felt in the past.
Feeling the oneness and the power that is evoked by these enlightened views has boosted my self-confidence in what I am and what ALL people are if only they knew.
Another aspect is the messages we get from any loved ones all comes through these lower densities; we hold the whole universe inside our physical body as one. God bless.
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