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Tired All
the Time?
Tiredness All The Time (TATT) is a relatively recent condition that seems to be affecting an ever increasing number of people in our communities, especially women.
There are many reasons why we feel tired. One reason is that less than 200 years ago, we would sleep when the sun went down, and rise with the sun the next day. This in the winter could be more than 12 hours a day, at a time when our bodies needed time to repair after the hard manual work of the summers.
Recent studies show that the average person today survives on less than 6 hours of sleep a night, after a day fuelled by caffeine, sugar, and stress. It is no wonder that many of us are feeling tired all the time.
Horlick’s ran a survey and nearly 10 million people in the UK said that they were so shattered in the morning that they struggled to get out of bed.
Symptoms of tiredness all the time can include
• Complete lack of energy for life
• Inability to get enough sleep, regardless of how many hours slept
• Waking up tired and staying that way all day
• Confused thinking
• Loss of libido
Caffeine has become very popular in our culture with a Starbucks or Costa Coffee on every corner. However, few people know that coffee that you drink today prevents you from sleeping properly for three nights. It also plays havoc with the adrenal glands, which play an important role in our stress levels, and so excesses of caffeine can really put stress on the body, which in turn can lead to exhaustion.
Another factor that is really important when looking at tiredness is hydration. The average person in the western world is highly dehydrated due to caffeine, carbonated drinks, high levels of sugar and lack of the understanding of how to listen to our bodies. In his book “Your Body’s Many Cries For Water” Dr F Batmanghelidj states that “You are not sick, you are thirsty”. He argues that a hydrated person will sleep much better than a dehydrated person (amongst other things).
There are some physical causes for persistent fatigue, and these can include thyroid disorders, anaemia, diabetes, depression, being under weight or overweight and conditions like chronic fatigue, or suffering from anxiety, Any chronic disease will require that your body work hard, which in turn may cause fatigue.
Other factors that may be affecting our sleep- wireless networks, and EMF interference, too much light in the room or noise in the road, snoring, or poor sleep- i.e. affected by excesses of alcohol or drugs, caffeine or sugar.
Every day life can also be stressful, even when events are happy, for example, planning a wedding, or there is a new child in the family. If you are anxious about less happy subjects like finances or a break-up, then low grade fatigue can set in, if the situation takes a long time to resolve, or you just feel like you cannot cope.
It is worth having your Vitamin B levels tested if you are tired as this is becoming more commonly recognised as a cause for tiredness in our society. Also, a lack of Vitamin D can be the cause of tiredness -we work indoors and wear lots of sunscreen when we go into the sun so do not absorb as much natural vitamin D as we might need.
One other subject that does not seem to be mentioned very much when talking about tiredness all the time is the effect that toxins have on our health and how they adversely affect our immune system and overall health.
We are surrounded by a toxic world and our ability to defend ourselves from toxins is weakening all the time. We ingest them on our food and in the water we drink, we clean our houses and cars with them, our bathrooms are full of toxic concoctions that clean us and make us beautiful, the air that we breathe is polluted… the list goes on and on.
Toxins and pesticides, herbicides and VOC’s all play havoc with our immune system and effectively undermine it to such an extent that it is no longer able to defend us from diseases and viruses, and we become much more vulnerable to attack.
Toxins affect the immune system by mimicking its’ function, which effectively confuses the body. No longer able to differentiate between itself and foreign particles, the body starts to attack itself. This is what an auto-immune disease is and these include lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, colitis, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, some cancers, diabetes, and many other diseases that are on the increase worldwide.
The good news is that by removing toxins from your body, you can boost your immune system so that it is able to better defend you from disease, and also increase your energy levels, strength and stamina.
One of the most common symptoms of a compromised immune system is fatigue.
Tiredness all the time can be a result of many different factors and lifestyle choices. It is clear that your body is wanting you to change some aspects of your life, and detoxifying a body that is asking for help can be a great way to regain your health and vitality.
If you are interested in finding out more about how to detox your body naturally, please go to
Whatever the reason is that you are tired all the time, making some really small changes can help. Make sure the bedroom is dark and quiet, drink more water, and if your life is really stressful, start to look at ways that you can make changes that will reduce your stress.
Sleep is natures way of healing, mending and rejuvenating the body. Maybe it is time you start to listen to the needs of your body and work out what you can do to support it’s need for sleep?
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