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There are Etheric beings of love and light all around us everywhere and when we are ready as individuals, they can start to open your cones and connect and strengthen your Etherics. They are strong and very knowledgeable about our energetic subtle body system. They see all this all the time. They are experienced. We are not and if we are willing to treat them with the respect and equality that we all deserve, then they will help us to spiritually grow while we are in our physical bodies.
I have worked with them for the last 8.5 years, It takes time to develop trust and love together, It requires us to control our thoughts and emotions and keep them positive, this is because when we are Etherically connected up more and we start to hear them talking to us they can see our pictures and thoughts in our minds this is the first stage to standing with them. If we don't do this they wont connect our Etherics up more and we wont be allowed to stand with them in our thoughts, So this requires us to act lovingly and responsibly towards others.
Also they will disconnect our Etherics, if we try to hurt them and this is painful, I know as we have oscillated a lot to learn as much as possible as the first to really do this. Once you have experienced having your Etherics connected more and realised that you feel more alive and well in your self and can think easier and more intelligently, You will really want to work with them more and will need to listen to their guidance and love.
The Second stage is being connected more to be able to see there pictures from their minds and yours more this is called sitting with them. We must not use our minds to attack theirs otherwise again they will disconnect our Etherics and also may put energy blocks in the tops of our heads, So that they see our thoughts less, This reduces the flow of Etheric energy through our minds and is painful and feels like our minds are not flowing as much, This can be repaired once they connect our Etherics up again or remove the energy blocks from our head they will put energy into our channels to get our minds flowing again, however they are only going to do this once trust, love and they think we deserve this so my advice is do not use your minds to attack them. It does hurt when they put energy blocks in and it causes you to get angry, you do adapt to the decreased energy flow after a while but life is not as nice blocked like this. You probably will need to close your eyes to see their pictures and i found that when i go to bed early or lay in bed in the morning we can make stories together and this is fun and it gets easier with practice. You will only be allowed to sit with them once you have really been controlling your thoughts all of the time and emotional feelings, These appear as pictures, So to control the pictures requires us to use our emotions like colour and volume to our thoughts, When being creative and being good story tellers. Again if we use our thoughts and emotional feeling negatively they will reduce our flow, So they can cope with what we are showing them, until we are more experienced.
The third Stage is that they start to open our cones at the top at the back of our head to be able to see them and in other places, you will probably see shadows and light to begin with they are not dark or bad when you see shadows all this is is only part of the energy bodies, Gradually again with trust and love they will open our cones and strengthen our etherics to be able to see more. They may choose to show you white light body or gold light body or blue light around them or multi coloured emotional energy or violet or green heart energy. We have the same around us both us and them have the same energy around us. So as your seeing them remember we are the same lots of empathy and compassion also you may see your own cones or chakras in front of your body, I saw my tummy cone while i was sat up in bed, i was not shocked more excited at the positive progress of learning about myself and others.This is very important they do not want us hurting ourselves or any one else remember they are used to seeing all this all the time we are not. Do not under any circumstances try to damage your etherics or cones by grabbing or ripping at them, you will damage yourself because when you are connected and have more energy, you will feel this part of yourself. What they will then do is close your cones, so you don't see yourself and they will repair the damage but please do not try this, it is dangerous for you and is very upsetting for them as they walk with us through our lives together. Oh yes they stay with us all the time this is because they are looking after us energetically by keeping us safe from their losing us to other people who are etheric, there is competition to work with each of us because every one wants to learn and enjoy the experience of living together. They also are able to help us with love making and enjoy watching us being loving to each other. They also love us to put the hot shower on just for them and run them a hot bath, they love the thermal energy like us. They also like fresh fruit and vegetables and homemade cakes and chocolate, they love watching cartoons and nice animated movies and other good films that are uplifting and inspiring just like us.
You will have high pitched noises in our ears frrom time to time this is to help our minds raise in vibration its not alien implants like everyone else thinks on the net. Less head more heart
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