Gateways of Light - Our Journey of Ascension
By:Chris Bourne
Date: Sat,16 Feb 2008
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Book Description
A powerful Spiritual Awakening is happening to people across our planet. We are ascending into a higher vibrational reality based on unconditional love, joy and mutual respect for all life. It is a miraculous new paradigm that exists here and now all around us. The question is, how do we join it?
The new reality is accessed by going within and peeling away the layers of conditioned behaviours and limiting beliefs. When we let go of the struggle to manipulate and control our reality, we are guided through five key expansions of consciousness - "Gateways of Light". It is our Journey of Ascension.
From first hand experience, “Gateways of Light” provides vision, insight, tools and practices we can apply in everyday life; it's an invaluable "route map" helping us ascend into the magical way of living that is our divine birthright...
Our central message considers the precarious nature in which we currently find ourselves. Our view is that we’ve created a globally interdependent society based on the underlying precept of Industrial Consumerism; in other words that the source of our well being is based on something we can acquire externally to ourselves. We have developed countless addictive behaviour patterns from the food we eat to the things we buy all dragging us further away from what we are really looking for - the sense of inner completeness. This spiralling yearn for ever greater external gratification is taking us seemingly to the precipice of our own destruction.
Yet even in this darkness, a magnificient light can be found. There is a growing sense that those prepared to listen are being guided forwards to a better way of living in a higher vibrational paradigm. We attune to this guidance by calming our mind and emotions and letting go of our attachment to the external drama where upon we unfold a quiet inner pull to act. In the book we consider where this pull is leading; we look at how our reality is constrained by what we are being within and if we can summon the courage to surrender, then we will be reconnected to our divine birthright and unfold into the glorious, multi dimensional beings that we are.
The book provides tools for following this divine guidance. We take people on an inner journey through a sequence of five clearly defined transitions - Gateways of Light - each marked by a recognisable event in our lives. Each stage has its own unique challenges such as healing our inner child for example or dissolving karma. If we can determine where we are on our journey and understand exactly how and why we’re being influenced, then we can apply focussed tools for releasing those particular blockages and navigate the transitions more smoothly. In this way, Gateways of Light facilitates our unfolding reducing unnecessary pain, anguish and suffering.
Above all, Gateways of Light is a story of hope. It details how we can each break the shackles of limitation we have built for ourselves and ascend into multi dimensional experience. The book demystifies the hype, glamour and confusion surrounding the concept of Ascension; it demonstrates through powerful direct experience that the journey is about letting go and dissolving into the experience of ourselves as the non-identified universal “Seer” which is eternal, exists everywhere and therefore cannot die. From this place of surrendered openness, we become as one with the soul of the earth and are guided to a way of life which is completely in harmony with her. It postulates this approach as the best opportunity for the survival and further evolution of mankind.
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Martial Arts was a passion of mine, it had always seemed to keep my head above the engulfing tide of mass human subconsciousness. So it was, I found myself practising gently flowing movements in the early morning darkness high above the criss crossing matrix of city streets far below me. But this was quite unlike any other practice I’d ever experienced. What began quite casually became increasingly sublime, somehow each move was drawing me deeper and deeper inside. Suddenly I became both the movement and the moved dissolving into a new effortlessness where flow happened spontaneously. There was no longer anyone inside saying “go” or “stop”, “turn” or “block”. Crystal clear clarity was arising from within as the inner and outer worlds unfolded into one. Then on the horizon, attention (at this point I cannot even say “my” attention) was drawn to the sky beginning to lighten, the blackness becoming purple and indigo as dawn kissed the distant panorama. At the first appearance of the sun I was compelled to stop. Frozen in time, I noticed the early morning chatter of traffic far below me receding further and further into seemingly distant galaxies until there was no sound at all. Nothing was worthy of this stillness, of this beauty, of this peace.
Time ground to a halt and yet simultaneously accelerated. Within the apparent blink of an eye, the sun was fully up and radiating golden warmth. Suddenly I was being washed through with wave upon wave of unconditional love seemingly from a source of infinite benevolence. Release after release, unfolding upon unfolding, surrender upon surrender. I was being loved completely and wholly just for me. There was no judgement in the love and no need for anything to be reciprocated. It seemed to penetrate every fibre of my being seeing me with complete openness, honesty and clarity. It saw my darkness and loved me not inspite of it like another human might, no, it loved me BECAUSE of it. For the first time in all the forty years of my life, I was totally accepted and worthy. Being ‘me’ in that moment was entirely and completely right. No one was criticising, questioning, abusing, insinuating. There was not even the requirement for a pay back, no need for me to reciprocate. I was allowed to swim in it, to sink in it, to breathe it into every pore. This was my initiation to the magical, universal flow of divine love I have come to know as the “Awakening” - this was the reason I had no fear of death that day.
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