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Working with Spirit 24/7
The thoughts of Redwood,
Guide to Dorothy Davies.
There are two separate schools of thought amongst the guides who give advice and help from the spirit world. One holds to the theory that anyone who works with spirit should dictate to their guides when they can approach and be attuned, that to do otherwise would damage the health of the person. Another, a much larger group, I have to say, believe that a sensitive should speak with spirit all the time, that there is no set time for communication. I belong to this larger group and am pleased to say that my channel does not consider having set times for spirit communication to be anything but confining, if not limiting, and avers that she could not live that way. From the moment she opens her eyes from sleep, whether it is during the hours of darkness or as light brightens her day, she speaks with those around her, seeks their companionship, enquires after their well-being, asks their advice on her day. It enables us to support and guide her through the complex life she and all of you lead. It enables us to bring her medical advice when needed within seconds of the request going out, it enables us to give her that wonderful gift, laughter and that even more priceless gift, love, throughout every moment of her life. She has been told by other mediums that she is ‘open’ and has been told that is dangerous. Those who make these statements do not understand the level of protection that surrounds her, the care we take of her and every sensitive who walks with spirit at all times. Does the person who made this claim not understand that the very last thing we would allow is that the sensitive be open to all spirits, evil and good? Do they not think that we would not protect such a person to the very limit of our abilities and that if that ability was not enough or sufficiently strong enough we would not call in further assistance? Of course we would.
And so it is for every person who lives a life with spirit as constant companions. We protect, we guard, we ensure nothing comes anywhere near them that should not be near them.
Those who, in one lifetime, are given the gift of spirit communication and interaction and who fail to use it properly, are directed to live their next life without spirit communication, but with the aching secret knowledge that something is missing, that they are lacking a component of some kind. Then, when they return for a further life, they reach out to spirit and know that true communication is what you would call 24/7, a simple way of saying permanent and perpetual.
This is the way my channel lives. We, her team, and we are many indeed, know we can come to her at any time and she will recognise and speak with us. She knows our vibrations, she has no need of the person’s voice to know who we are, although we do give her the courtesy of addressing her by name, the name each of us has chosen to call her. In fact, it is something we all do out of love. But she can, and does, know us by vibration. She will sit quietly and read and then look up and greet whoever has arrived. We in turn come close to surround her with the white light of spirit love and protection. She needs no ritual to communicate, to give clairvoyance, to give guidance, to do her stone readings. She has, in fact, often begun a reading and been interrupted several times without losing the thread of what she wanted to say to the person for whom she reads. This is true communication, this is true joining of human and spirit.
We know that some of her friends live this way, in constant communication with spirit, for she can ask their advice and receive an instant answer, no waiting for the right time to speak with a guide. Others hold to the ‘we must wait for the right time’ and are not as good servants for spirit as they could and should be. These are the ones who must learn to live a life without spirit companionship, not for any vindictive reason but as an object lesson for the future. My channel has lived two or three such lifetimes, not many considering how many lives she has been through already, but they were sufficient for her to know and appreciate the true communication with spirit which she has had many times in her past and now has in this life.
My thoughts are these: you are spirit in human form. You cannot therefore set times to speak with the spirit which you are, for you are that spirit and accordingly should speak and be free with spirit at all times. It is wrong to deny spirit communication, to hold it to certain times of the day, to put spirit away from you and say ‘not now, do not come to me with your messages for this is not the time we have set aside’. My channel will set aside time to work, that is to channel her books, but not to speak with us. There is a difference.
Allow us to come to you when we need to come to you, that time usually being when you need us, even if you do not realise it at that precise moment. We know you better than you know yourselves, we know your needs, your desires, your hopes and your fears. We would help you with all these things but we can only do it if you are prepared to listen when we come.
Be not afraid. We come with love and only with love. We come with your best interests at heart and, most of all, we come because we know how much you need us and how much we need you. Without that partnership, spirit life would not progress. The whole point of living is progression.
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