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Since the January meditation and encounters with the universal and Arcturean groups my usual guides have not been close to me
So it seem fitting that as I progressed into my higher state, the ones I was communicating with have shifted into their next ascended stage.
I was always told that this happens by all the earthly teachers I have had.
It is hard for me as a physical person with my hardwired brain to let go of things that have been a constant for all these years, but to move forwards I have to let go the old and embrace the new.
Having said that, these universal souls who are with me now have always been in my consciousness, just not so direct before that January mediation.
Since that month Marne knows that these beings are within her fields of energy as one and are easily recalled by just a thought, a breath and being directly in the moment, even when things get unsettled.
“I can still regain that connection from my heart brain coherence, and bring in the outer field of the universal fields of love, light and comfort for all the earth and her peoples, as they go through this deep progression, into conflict and I know that when I do this is I affecting the collective consciousness of all things and have the right influence”
“Once again”, Marne says out loud, “I am talking to the infinity of the consciousness of my self and the earths fields, so that I can get some positive feed back from my higher self, and it works every time”.
The conversation carries on, “Its not just countries, its people who are being tested to the limits of these alterations that is collectively spreading thought the psyche of everyone, each person has to deal with their own negatives and elations that keep coming in and out continuously, taking them up and down as the undulating wave of the radiation and suns emission hit earths atmosphere altering the electro magnetic energy of all life.
Getting back to the full moons, Marne tells herself, “don’t drift away from the subject, February, March and Aprils full moons have not had the same impact as the January one, I would like guidance on this”?
“I find I am getting the information from within”.
“It takes cycles and earth time for the alteration that have been made to get to there fullest influence, the work being done by all way showers has been to hold these inputs as they gel comfortably.
This is a time period for all peoples to let go of outside influences and allow their truth to emerge, it has to be done alone, in silent contemplation and recognised that it is happening to their inner self, if a person is giving out too much they cannot do this inner contemplation, because they spread their energy to far out.
Every one is getting used to living in the new world with its new rules and regulation about how to be, act and live.
Changes have to take place so that all can progress into their true light being of the divine light.
Everything that is being done with everyone, is done on the collective and Gaia, there is never anything done singularly for one person, because all life is connected to the spirit of the ALL, the one divine source.
Anything that is done, goes into the universe as a collective for the good of all, it can also be... that every negative thing that is done, also goes into the collective; it’s importance to keep the thoughts and actions light in the silence of the fields, as much as possible.
To think, say and be negative is what holds many in the fear of apprehension and they cannot release them self’s until the majority is converted to the light.
We are now at the May full moon and this one is very strong and giving out a lot of disorientating, its not the same as January, but I am seeing and feeling a closeness to the universal councils energy fields, so once again I am holding these radiations and anchoring them and my self into Gaia, being love, light and happy.
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